

The big five personality traits are one of the most widely used, and one of the best model of personality. The big five comes from the statistical study of responses to personality items. Employing a technique called factor analysis researchers found unlimited personality variables, five stand out from the pack in terms of explaining a lot of a persons answers to questions about their personality:
  • Neuroticism,
  • Extraversion,
  • Openness to experience,
  • Agreeableness,
  • Conscientiousness.


The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0) is the world’s leading measure of emotional intelligence. It applies decades of research to support effective human performance and development. The EQ-i 2.0 is an online self-rating assessment tool, with the option of adding a multi-rater EQ 360. EQ-i 2.0 gives you a comprehensive report describing how your EQ competencies work together for effectiveness, and also provides suggested strategies for bringing your EQ competencies into balance for greater effectiveness. EQ offers EQI 2.0 Workplace, EQI 2.0 Leadership, EQI 2.0 360, EQI 2.0 Group report.

The Interpersonal Orientation assessment is a measure of interpersonal needs, flex characteristics and derailment. The purpose of this report is to show how your results from the Interpersonal Orientation assessment can help you understand your behavior and the behavior of others in your organization. IIROP is comprehensive report containing:
  • Drivers of Interpersonal relations (Diro)
  • Fundamentals of Interpersonal relations (Firo)
  • Flexibility of Interpersonal relations (Flex)

The Typology device is based on the research of psychologist Carl Jung. One’s personality kind is one of the 16 different personality types that can be used to explain your preferences along 4 dichotomies. There are four preferences to begin with in this theory.
  • People and things (Extroversion or "E"), or ideas and information (Introversion or "I").
  • Facts and reality (Sensing or "S"), or possibilities and potential (Intuition or "N").
  • Logic and truth (Thinking or "T"), or values and relationships (Feeling or "F").
  • A lifestyle that is well-structured (Judgment or "J"), or one that goes with the flow (Perception or "P").
Thus, the four dichotomies of preferences are the basis for personality types. The combinations of these preferences give birth to the 16 personality types.

This Report is designed to help you understand your type preference and in turn, help develop yourself. Further the report helps you understand the five dysfunctions of a team and how your preference can aid in overcoming the dysfunction and bring synergy in teams. The 5 different types of dysfunction are lack of trust, lack of commitment, lack of accountability, fear of conflict, and inattention to result.

Creselpro is an instrument that tries to capture four dimensions - your reality as it is just now. This is your energy and unfolding self, captured along the four components - productivity, relatedness, creativity, self renewal. Each of these components has four stages in increasing order of significance. Vulnerability at any stage impacts the component itself.
While the productivity is generally the higher score attracting maximum effort and performance, it can be sustained only if relatedness, creativity and self renewal are also addressed. The report indicated vulnerabilities that need urgent addressing in their living context.

The Thomas-Kilmann Instrument is an indicative measure of persons default orientation to managing and resolving conflict. The 5 default orientations comprise competition, collaboration, compromise, avoiding and accommodating.
Navigating default behaviors and building optimal flexibility around those components that do not come naturally but are best in some situations. The report clearly indicates the advantages and disadvantages of each component so that leaders may flex around their default.

Meredith Belbin identified eight clusters of behavior, termed Team Roles. Each of the Team Roles has its individual strengths and allowable weaknesses, and each of them has an important contribution to make to a team. Belbin Team Roles improve self-knowledge and understanding among individuals and teams. Often times high performing individuals in a team can produce mediocre results. Average performers can sometimes produce excellent results this has to do with the team role orientation and the task allocated to them. The report thus provides marvelous insight to creating high performance teams that balance task and maintenance function.

The aim of this report is to establish the key strengths and developmental areas of your influencing style based on the questionnaire completed by you and a number of other responders. By reviewing these responses, a comparison can be made of the relative merits of your influencing style and this will form the basis of a development discussion. The report has been designed to review your effectiveness at influencing across 5 areas; Persuading, Asserting, Bridging, Attracting and Moving Away.

The HRG focuses on the three C’s – Control, Commitment, and Challenge. The three C’s of Hardiness represent the key qualities that people high in hardiness possess. They believe they have control over the events they experience. They commit to seeing the world as meaningful and interesting, and they view challenges and change as growth opportunities.

The Risk Type Compass is an assessment that explores an individual’s predisposition to risk and their capacity to manage it. Based primarily on personality research, the Risk Type Compass uses aspects of an individual’s temperament to place them into one of eight risk propensity categories known as Risk Types. An individual’s Risk Type will give an indication of how an individual perceives risk, how much uncertainty they are able to bear, and how they will react when unexpected events or outcomes occur.

Pearman Personality and Pearman Flex Index helps you understand your natural talents, your learned talents, and how to be more agile in using both of them. With an innovative assessment experience coupled with a deeper look into the individuality of personality type, the Pearman provides a measure of personality in one's natural state (i.e., what is most comfortable) and in one's everyday environment (i.e., what is most often demonstrated). It also explores any disconnects you have by providing insight into their level of flexibility, agility, and resiliency.

HDS- Hogan Development Survey: HDS provides information about how you are likely to behave and be perceived by others, when under a lot of stress. This usually is an indicator of your derailment tendency – an overuse/misuse of a certain capability.
HPI – Hogan Personality Inventory: HPI provides information about your day to day preferences and how others perceive you based on those preferences. It is therefore an indicator of your potential and strengths.
MVP - Motivates, Values and Preferences Inventory: MVPI provides information about what motivates and drives your behaviors, the kind of culture that you will create for your team and unconscious biases in your decision making.
The Hogan assessment is entirely based on reputation where Hogan insists that what you have to say about yourself is not worth knowing. His research has found that there is no correlation between what people say they are with what they actually are.

Leadership Tracker is a simple but powerful tool to explore and understand the derailment possibilities of the individual. things from the past which should be discarded can often be by weight of habit be brought into the present. this mismatch can cause derailment as can excessive self interest. providing deep insights into the intra dynamics of the self the instrument tracks leadership progress or regress and recommends reflective solutions to navigate vulnerabilities.

ESQ as it is christened, the Psychometric tool is based on ancient indian wisdom from Sankhya philosophy and crystalizations from the Gita. exploring 6 dimensions the instrument explores the causes behind one emotional state and encourages participants to  operate from emotional stability. operating from the five levels (as deciphered in the Taitraya Upanishad) an action strategy encourages the participant to be multi-pronged in the approach to stability. all productivity is inside out and so is relatedness -- the twing aspects of high performance.