
The mechanism by which we explore Intra and Inter dynamics amongst a group of people within the scope of the organization as well as external stakeholders. It is a scientifically validated approach to decipher elements of what may be problematic as well as opportunities that are being either unharvested or inadequately exploited. The depth and nuancing of the diagnostics will result in a better prognosis; often times doing a root cause analysis or adverse implications of actions or future consequences and outcomes that are unintended. Our diagnostics strategy is usually multipronged as listed below.

Expectation Mapping

This is very clearly an attempt to capture voice of participants using multiple questions aimed at different levels of Blooms Taxonomy. The questions are aimed at capturing the dynamics around the 7 S framework of Mckinsey (Strategy, Structure, Systems, Skills, Staff, Style, Shared Values). A qualitative section allows participants to express views over and above the structured question section.

This is a one-on-one depth interview using the dialogical format to capture concerns, challenges and aspirations that would otherwise go unremarked. The interview mechanism allows for a critical incident or a behavioral event to reveal in a verifiable way, thoughts, feelings and actions of individuals. These then demonstrate behavioral indicators of competencies or lack of it. The findings of the interview thus substantiate the other diagnostic strategies in a more personalized and qualitative way.

Long Interviews

The long interviews is a process by which the interviewer captures all kinds of related and corollary data so as to create a web diagram or sociogram that enables a superior understanding of the qualitative and the unsaid components of the situation and the context. The process facilitates wide deduction and meaning making that can further inform other prongs of the diagnostics.

Competency based interview

Competency based interviewing also called behavioral event interviewing this long established technique accurately deciphers competencies and behavioral indicators that can map back to capabilities required for high performance. The technique focuses on actual critical event and deep dives into that event to curl out indicators of past performance. The technique presumes that the best indicators of future performance is past performance.

Focus Group

Focus group discussion is typically used as a qualitative approach to gain an in‐depth understanding of issues. The method aims to obtain data from a purposely selected group of individuals rather than from a statistically representative sample of a broader population. A focus group could also be a small, but demographically diverse group of people, whose reactions are studied and data is collected for research.

Shadowing/ In Situ

This is the process by which the observer collects live and useful information about the performance of the executive so as to plot it against pre-decided competency framework. This is an exceedingly critical part of the diagnostics as it makes a very clear case for a focused developmental plan with measures. This is a useful complement to a 360 feedback.