

A 360 degree survey is a process that solicits feedback on employee performance from several different sources:
  • from managers,
  • from peers,
  • from reports, and
  • from a self-assessment.
In cases when an individual interacts with the public, a 360 survey may also include feedback from clients, suppliers, contractors, or vendors. The value in a 360 comes from the contrast between self rating and rating by others. It is therefore a significant exploration of ones blind spots and congruent strength.

The Competing Values Framework (CVF) has been recognized as one of the fifty most important models in the history of business. It originally emerged from empirical research on what factors make organizations effective (Quinn and Rohrbaugh, 1983). This framework is now applied to a variety of topics associated with individual and organizational behavior, and for more than 20 years has been used to help thousands of organizations and its managers to enhance their performance. It is the most used and useful framework for assessing organizational culture and organizational dynamics.

Employee satisfaction survey is a powerful survey that help us understand the level of satisfaction of the employees thus providing insights on organization strategy for enhanced engagement and alignment of its people. Indeed a satisfied and engaged employee delivers ‘discretionary contribution’.

A dipstick survey is the same as an exploratory survey. Dipstick is designed to measure the progress as on a particular date of a course of action given objectives. It’s a useful midway indicators of what actions needs to be taken either to take corrective actions or celebrate success.